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Top Tips to Stop Burnout

Self-care is not selfish; it’s one of the best things you can do for your partners, children and work. 

Working too hard

Taking a break from anything can cause guilt and anxiety, but a few hours away can really re-energise you so you can get back to taking care of everyone and everything else without feeling like you have such a weight on your shoulders.

What do I mean by taking a break?

As a minimum it could be taking one day off a month for you, just you. 

Relaxing with music

Go for a drive or catch the bus to somewhere different, maybe listen to some music on the way, go for walk around a local National Trust (there are some beautiful places around Moreton) or along the river in Stratford / Lechlade / Buford / the Slaughters etc.

Go to a local coffee shop with a book or magazine, with no distractions and your mobile device on silent / do not disturb. [if you have an iPhone, you can add people to your favourites and even if they phone twice when ‘do not disturb’ is on, they will get through to you].

Maybe combine the coffee shop after doing a workout, whether that’s at a gym or in your living room with Yoga with Adriene or The Girl with the Pilates Mat.

relax with a hot drink

Try not to skip your self-care day

I’m prone to doing this with my weekly scheduled pilates session, and I always massively regret it afterwards.

This is not a day for errands – shopping, cleaning or anything like that, this is a day just for you. Never feel guilty either, we all deserve a day off every 4 weeks. 

Other ways could be booking in to have a body treatment with me or maybe a holistic massage, or give reiki a try – it doesn’t really matter as long as you give yourself a break and don’t feel guilty about it.

Studies have also shown that even the anticipation of a holiday or break can bring just as much psychological reward as the action holiday / break. Knowing that rest and relief are coming up can keep you going, as long as you actually stick to having that day off!

Let me know what what you decide to do.


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