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I’ve Been Struggling

I have to admit to you, I’ve really struggled over the last couple of weeks.

I’ve struggled to juggle having my children at home, homeschooling a 6 and 3 year old by myself, keeping the house semi-clean, food on the table, zero time to myself and working on my website and this page.

I’ve always found that the quietest time to work at home is after my children bedtimes but in turn that means usually going to sleep after midnight because I also like to have some ‘me’ time at the end of the day.

Never give up because great things take time

Last night, at about 2am, I realised that I just wanted to let you know that I am here, working in the background but things are take a lot longer to create. Like videos – there were too many people doing DIY in their gardens last week and I didn’t want any electric saw background music in my videos! By the time it got to the evenings I was very tired and losing the light for filming. I’m also working through creating new stretches and exercise doodles.

I trained in Sports Massage because I want to help others, it’s one of my underpinning core values.

I know that during the lockdown you will probably have more aches and pains than usual, from either doing more exercise than usual, less exercise than you’d like, or different from your normal.

So, I’m sorting out what and when I can create my videos and doodles and will try and post twice a week some helpful article and either videos or exercise/stretches doodles.

I promised a sneak peak of the video I need to edit and I’m still going to do that – it’s coming soon!

Take care and please don’t worry if things take longer than planned at the moment,

Hannah 💚

P.S. I know that there’s so much going on in our lives at the moment, if you don’t want to miss seeing the videos, articles and doodles then sign up to my emails and I will start them soon.

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